Newsletter nr. 63-I – May 4th, 2014

Newsletter header50years

Dear all,

A few days ago we’ve made a reservation with harbourmaster Onne Hoekstra for about 12 ships, sailing in at Friday eve 26th and leaving at Sunday 28th.
Dinner will be at Saturday 18.30 hours; we’ve booked a special 50 years celebration buffet for 25 till 35 guests at The Brabander/Stadsboerderij in Hindeloopen.
Till now on the following ships and members signed in:

1. Vita Nova Family van ‘t Hull 4x dinner
2. Avalon Family van Boekel 4x dinner
3. Sayonara Dirk & Marieke van Slooten 2x dinner
4. Zeekoet-II Frans & Annemarie Kemme 2x dinner
5. A. van Texel Peter & Henk Jan Hoogenberk 3x dinner
6. Woest maar kalm Bert & Janneke Glazenburg 2x dinner
7. Vrouwezand Marco & Maria Eichhorn 2x dinner
8. Harmonie Klaus & Elgin Gerdts 2x dinner
9. Dieuwertje Ida Scheltema 2x dinner
10. Spurwing?
11. Banckert?
12. Majella?
13. Vrijheid?
14. Geertruida?
15. Marmara?
16. Meermin?
17. Margaretha?
18. Eenhoorn?


As you can see on the list some of you have not reacted yet. All notes, please let us know a.s.a.p. if you will join this meeting, celebrating 50 years Alcyone Circle.
Eke van der Zee&Marjan Kok have had surgury: Eke was donor for a kidney for Marjan. We hope all is going well and maybe we will meet in Hindeloopen!
Renske van Driel is asked to make an artistic present for this jubilee.
It would help some of you will pay as yet the contribution 2014 ad € 25:
IBAN NL44INGB0001967067 at the name of A.C. van Boekel te Drachten.

Last but not least our website.
Hopefully you already visited our renewed website
If not, please do to discover all content and usability.
Your password to log in under the button Alcyone Circle -> Memberlist and Communication can be found in the sent E-mail. We did that for your privacy protection.
From now on you can communicate directly with the board or other members by way of using the website (click button communication or contact for that).
Of course you can do that in the usual way by e-mail also.

Kindest regards, all the best

Arjen van Boekel & Joost van ’t Hull,
Board Alcyone Circle