We apologize for our late reaction. Mr. Van Boekel however, came up with information about an event that fits withing the Alcyone tradition.
Summer meeting 18th of July 1998
As there will be a big sailing event in Lemmer, the administration (we, ourselves !) thought that it would be a nice idea that the Alcyone Circle should attent (see information enclosed). Unfortunately it is not possible to take part in the races. Because of the fact that it is short day (to use a typical dutch expression) we would like you to react quickly.
As we would like to know the number of members coming, those members, who have decided to participate, are kindly requested to notify us as soon as possible using the form included.
It would be highly appreciated if members who have decided not to come will advise us accordingly.
List of Ships and Owners
You are kindly requested to check your adress and phonenumber. If you should have information about ships and members gathered wrongly in the list or not included at all please let us know.
The administration likes to remind the members to pay their contribution.
It was decided that members who have a backlog in paying their contribution for four years or more will no longer receive the newsletter.
The yearly contribution will be ƒ 20.–, DEM 20.–, £ 8.–, or US $ 12.– to be paid to our postgiro nr. 3721241 of the Alcyone Circle in Opeinde, Friesland.
If you want to pay your contribution by cheque please use an international money-order. The costs of cashing a cheque from abroad are almost as high as the amount to be paid.