Newsletter nr. 27b – January 1986

oldnewsheadWintermeeting 1986
We intend to have our wintermeeting this year again in the clubhouse of the “Koninklijke Amsterdamsche Roei- en Zeil-Vereeniging De Hoop” Weesperzijde 65, Amsterdam on
Start about 5.30 o’clock in the afternoon. We can have a drink there and a meal. The HISWA boat show is then going on in the RAI building in Amsterdam, so our members might combine the HISWA and the Alcyone Circle.

Please advise the undermentioned members whether you intend to come and with how many people:
Mr. PJ Ide, Amsterdam, tel. nr. 020-622805
Mr. JDM van Marle, Amsterdam, tel. nr. 020-738198

A summary of the activities of our circle.
The main number of the participating ships of the Alcyone Circle in the Y-harbour, Amsterdam, in the afternoon and evening of Wednesday the 31st of July 1985 and moored between the bollards nr. 15 and 20 in front of the shed “Brazilie” doors 10-12.

Thursday August 1st
At approximately 10 o’clock a palaver of the captains was held and it was decided that practically the whole Alcyone fleet would join the fleet of small ships and proceed towards the Ymuiden locks in order to welcome the Tall Ships and escort them to their berths in Amsterdam. The Tall Ships passed the locks and entered the north Sea Canal between 10 and 11 o’clock and proceeded, most of them with all sails hoisted with a westerly wind in convoy to their in the Amsterdam harbour, escorted by at least a thousand smaller ships of all types and sizes, from old steam tugs and sailing barges to port ferries and ocean racers. The Tall Ships were dressed and some had their crews standing on the yards. It was a very impressive show, never to forget.Friday August 2nd

Apart from a very lively reception for the captains in the Maritime Museum which was attended by most of our members no other official events were organized for this day in which we could participate, apart from our youngsters who visited the Seaport Jazz Festival, returning, some of them, very late at night.

Luckily the weather improved, so we could spend the day on deck, watching the enormous crowd of visitors sauntering along the quay. Most of the ships did not leave their berths. Some latecomers arrived. Ships moored at the outside received many a visitor who wanted to watch the various events which were organized, such as a parade of authentic Dutch “skutjes”, a flower parade of old steamships with on board the bands of the Seaport Jazz Festival, etc. All very spectacular.

The mock-battle in the evening happened to be far away from our berths, so we could not follow it properly. A palaver was held in board of the “Helena Anna” where it was decided that on Sunday morning about 8 ships would leave their berths at 11.30 and would anchor facing the flagship in order to have a better view on the parade of 250 authentic Dutch sailing ships saluting the Admiral. The crew members of the other Alcyone Circle ships would board the outgoing yachts. Also a proposal of Dr. Gerdts to organize the next summer reunion in Neuhaus (Germany) in 1986 was discussed. It would involve a five day trip from Delfzyl across the Dutch and German “wadden” to Neuhaus. Eight captains decided spontaneously that they would participate.

Sunday August 4
As was agreed, 8 of our ships left their berths after having boarded the crew of the other ships and anchored facing the Flagship. It was a cold and rainy day with a wind force 7. The “ronde and plat-bodems” did their best to give a good show, but the weather did not cooperate and we anchored at too great a distance to see things properly. When we heaved our anchors at about half past two in order to return to our berths, we perceived that all our anchors were entangled. It was a difficult situation and it took a lot of deliberation to clear the mess. Luckily the harbour-police assisted and were very helpful.

Monday August 5
Very bad weather, wind force 8, pouring rain. As a result of a misunderstanding between our liaison-officer and some members of the crew, we expected to be able to attend the party in the Marine Museum where Princess Margriet would give away the prize for the Cutty Sark Tall Ships Race. We joined the parade in pouring rain and marched to the museum where we were not admitted. So we had to walk back again. We had better luck at the farewell party which everybody enjoyed very much. There was an amply provided cold buffet and a meat-grill given us by the courtesy of the municipality of the city of Amsterdam, attended by at least 1500 people.

Tuesday August 6
the end of a very impressive and well organized event which must have created a lot of goodwill for the city of Amsterdam. The Tall Ships left between 10 and 11 o’clock. Some of our members escorted them to Ymuiden.

List of participants:
FESTINA LENTE – CT van der Togt
MAJELLA – H Liebert
VITA NOVA – G van ‘t Hull
BANCKERT – KF Broekens
ETI – H Kreb
MARMARA – AJ Scheltema
SANS RIVAL – WA Valentijn
ZEEKAMEEL – RB Santbrink
PHOCA – OLM Bijjvoet

Alcyone Circle Rally 1986
Our member, Dr. Gerdts, proposed to have this rally in Neuhaus (Germany). We might speak about this fine proposal on our wintermeeting of the 15th March.

The Foundation Sail Amsterdam intends to organize a tour from Amsterdam to Bremerhaven. This tour will start on the 13th July and end in Bremerhaven on the 23rd July. We might also talk about the possibility for some members to make the tour to Neuhaus, combined with this tour.
For good order’s sake we mention here, that there will be organized in Delfzijl a mini-sail on the 9th of July. Those who are interested might contact the “Delfsail” committee, Cemeentehuis Delfzyl, tel. 05960-39514.

Valentijn Yard
Inn December 1980 we started an action “Werf 250” with the intention to get some money to make something in memory of the fact that the yard existed for 250 years.

We can now let you know that as a result last summer a copper plaquette is attached to the outer wall near the entrance of the office.

News about Ships and Owners
Some ships got a new owner last year. These are the following ships:
ALCYONE In our last newsletter we mentioned as owner of the “Alcyone” Mr. PJ Giele, Hilversum. this should be Mr. PL Giele in Soest (Holland).

HELENA CHRISTINA This yacht is bought by Mr. GJ Frenay, Vlaardingen, Holland

ETI The “Eti” was bought by Mr. JC Kreb of Ter Aar, Holland

SESAME The name of “Sesame” is changed. The yacht is now called “Willow”

JACQAN This yacht is bought by Mr. GE Star Busmann of Ouderkerk a/d Amstel, who a few weeks ago also bought the

CAECILIA “Caecilia”

PUFFIN The new owner of the “Puffin” is Mr. BN Westover of Stratford, Connecticut, USA

The new owners are very welcome in our circle. We gladly wish them fine sailing in their ships.

Last but not least, to pay the expenses of our newsletters and of our meetings we need some money.
So yacht owners are kindly requested to pay their contribution of P. St. 2,- US $5.- D.M. 10.- or Fl. 10.- to “postgiro” account nr. 37.21.241 of the Alcyone Circle, Amsterdam.